The Accident of Two Legs

December 05, 2014

by Scott Oliphint

We come now to the last of our Ten Tenets:
Every fact and experience is what it is by virtue of the covenantal all-controlling plan and purpose of God.

A number of years ago I had to see the doctor about a nagging back injury that I had sustained. As he went through the process of diagnosis, he wanted me to recognize why such an injury was so persistent. “The problem,” he said, “is that we were never meant to walk upright. Once we transitioned from using all four appendages to using only two, injuries like yours were inevitable.” The doctor went on to diagnose the problem and prescribe a fix. His interpretation of the cause of the problem, however, was completely off the mark.

This is a good example of the importance of Tenet Ten, the last in our series. One of the things that we all need more and more to instill in our everyday thinking is the reality of God’s plan and purpose in all that takes place in the world. This can be a difficult task, since virtually everything that surrounds us, in one way or another, tempts us to move in the opposite direction. Notions of “freedom” and “equality,” just to pick two American idols, are supposed to be understood without reference to God and His Word. The idea that true freedom can only be found in service to our Creator and Redeemer, or that “equality” eclipses our God-given mandate to think of others as better than we are, would never enter the mind of the average person, perhaps not even of the average Christian.

continue reading on Reformation 21.

Scott Oliphint

Dr. Oliphint (PhD, Westminster) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at WTS.

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Redeeming Philosophy

November 21, 2014

by Vern Poythress