
The Lord’s Prayer as an Apologetic

“The Lord’s prayer is not only the great model prayer that our Lord taught...

by William Edgar  |  54 min Video

Entry Points for the Gospel in Europe

“If there’s a crisis in Europe today, it’s not primarily an economic crisis but a crisis of meaning.” –Dr. William Edgar Watch Dr. Edgar lecture on effective apologetics for Europe’s diverse religious landscape.

by William Edgar  |  50 min Video

Union with Christ

“God has never thought of his people, even before they were created, outside of their union with Christ.” –Dr. William Edgar Hear Dr. Edgar offer three practical applications of our union in Christ. This lecture was delivered at the 2018

by William Edgar  |  43 min Audio

A Small, Faithful Church in a Big, Hostile World

Listen to Dr. William Edgar explore the riches of the French Reformation, examining its origins and how we can be encouraged today by those who risked their lives for our common faith. These lectures were delivered at Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church...

by William Edgar  |  62 min Audio

Heralding God’s Good Works: 2015 Commencement Address at RTS

Dr. William Edgar, professor of apologetics and John Boyer Chair of Evangelism and Culture at Westminster Theological Seminary, delivers RTS Washington’s 2015 commencement address, titled “Heralding God’s Good Works.” ...

by William Edgar  |  24 min Video

Auschwitz: An Historical, Moral, and Theological Reflection

Dr. Edgar lectures for the Forum of Christian Leaders on the significance of the largest and most destructive of the death camps during World War II. After setting forth the facts and dates, he looks at the...

by William Edgar  |  62 min Video

The Lord’s Prayer as an Apologetic

The Forum of Christian Leaders and the European Leadership Forum host Dr. William Edgar for a workshop on the Lord’s prayer as a vision for the entire Christian life and apologetics. Dr. Edgar’s...

by William Edgar  |  53 min Video