God Saves Sinners
January 30, 2018by Jonathan Gibson
The Doctrine of Grace
I think what the Reformation did in relation to God’s sovereignty and the doctrines of grace is it showed us that God was still on his throne. He hadn’t ever left it in relation to saving his people.
I think of J. I. Packer’s wonderful essay in the beginning of the Banner of Truth edition of John Owen’s classic work, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, where Packer reduces five points to one point in three words: God saves sinners.
And that’s what the doctrines of grace are really about: the sovereignty of God being restored to how they relate to his grace. It’s what Jonah, in the belly of the big fish, had to learn: salvation is of the Lord. . . .
. . . continue reading at Crossway.
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Christ for the Crowd
January 29, 2018by John Currie