Proofs, Persuasion, and the Truth Problem

November 01, 2014

by Scott Oliphint

This month, we want to provide an explanation of Tenet 9: The true, covenantal, knowledge of God in man, together with God’s universal mercy, allows for persuasion in apologetics.

In much of the history of apologetics, the notion of proof has been central. A defense of the faith, so it goes, is given when one gives a proof, or proofs, for the existence of a god. Once the proof is given, the apologetic task is done, and it might be prudent for the apologist to introduce his interlocutor to his pastor so that the central details of who this god is might be discussed.

Surely, the notion of proof in apologetics is important. We are called to provide reasons for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15), and providing reasons can include mounting an argument. So, it is right and proper for us to think carefully about how we might prove the existence of God.

continue reading on Reformation 21.

Read More On Apologetics, persuasion, proof, Truth

Scott Oliphint

Dr. Oliphint (PhD, Westminster) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at WTS.

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Hermeneutics in Light of the Divine Author of Scripture

October 24, 2014

by Vern Poythress