Intinction and Extinction: Where is Our Good Faith?

March 01, 2013

by David Garner

To the surprise of some of my fellow elders in my Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) presbytery, I voted against the proposed language change to the Book of Church Order 58-5 concerning intinction.(1) It is not because I believe or practice intinction. In fact, in my estimation, the exegetical and historical arguments against intinction deliver a knockout blow.

Some defend intinction, claiming that its rejection logically requires the rigid adherence to a common chalice or the use of wine rather than grape juice. I don’t mean to pass the cup, but such arguments simply fail to persuade. They confuse categories; they are apples and oranges – or perhaps better, bread and wine.

David Garner

Dr. Garner (PhD, Westminster) is associate professor of systematic theology and vice president for advancement at WTS.

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What’s the Best Thing You Did for Your Kids?

December 20, 2012

by Kent Hughes